original title for what became a lecture to different classes of English
literature students at a Christian Academy through the years is this: A Tale
of Two Lieutenants: Jack and Ronald (better known as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R.
Tolkien) and how World War I helped forge them into two of the twentieth
century's most important writers. Here is the outline: (Teachers, look for a blue note just for you at the end of this lecture.)
1. THE
by Tolkien Himself
by a Wise Mother and Two Wise Fathers
2. THE
by C.S. Lewis
True Christianity
—What Tolkien
Believed and Why
—Why Is The Lord of the Rings So Special?
Influence on the Pen
—The Silmarillion and The Hobbit vs. LOTR
—Joy in Spite of the Trauma
—The Loss
of a Mother and Childhood Faith
—The Loss
of a War Buddy
—The Night
Tolkien Led Lewis to Christ
3. A MAN
—The Problem of Pain
Screwtape Letters
—Mere Christianity
Chronicles of Narnia
—A Grief Observed
—“The World’s
Last Night”
Teacher Note
End Notes
and Lewis were both college professors and gifted writers. They met when teaching at Oxford in the mid
1920s. Tolkien was a devout Catholic
Christian, a term I will explain later, and Lewis an atheist, but they were
able to find common ground in their mutual love of great stories and legends. What would be a close lifetime friendship
began to flourish, and all the while Tolkien was sowing seeds, hoping and
praying that his friend would discover that the greatest stories, myths, and
legends find their culmination in Christ and God, believing fervently that
“from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen!” as Romans 11 says in conclusion. Tolkien’s patience and prayers paid off in a
big way. Five years after they met,
Lewis embraced Christ as his Lord and Savior.
The world would never be the same.
God put together a wonderful team to manfully combat the unbelief and
cynicism of our modern era.
Tolkien came to know Christ first, I do him the honor of discussing him first,
and I start with this Hobbit-like picture of him.[1]
begin with, since I know my own perspective as an evangelical Christian, and
have some knowledge of other perspectives, I need to deal with
two questions: the Fantasy Question and
the Catholic Question.
1. The Fantasy
The Fantasy Question is, Why fantasy? Isn’t there a better way to use one’s gifts than by writing stories that contain magic and elves and the like? Isn’t fantasy just a big waste of God’s good time? My answer comes first from Tolkien himself, from a famous university lecture he entitled simply, “On Fairy-stories.”[2]
Answered by Tolkien Himself
propose to speak about fairy-stories, though I am aware that this is a rash
adventure. Faerie is a perilous land,
and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold.... Fantasy
is founded upon the hard recognition that things are so in the world as they
appear under the sun; on a recognition of
fact, but not a slavery to it.... Fantasy can, of course, be carried to
excess. It can be ill done. It can be put to evil uses. It may even delude the minds out of which it
came. But of what human thing in this fallen world is that not true?...Fantasy remains a human right: We make … because we are made…in the image and likeness of a Maker....
sudden joyous ‘turn’ [the unexpected happy ending or eucatastrophe, a term Tolkien invented to describe this unparalleled joy] … does not deny the existence…of
sorrow and failure: The possibility of
these is necessary to the joy of deliverance; it denies (in the face of much evidence, if you will) universal final defeat.... It is the mark
of a good fairy-story … that however wild its events, however fantastic or
terrible the adventures, it can give to the child or man who hears it—when the
‘turn’ comes—a catch of the breath, a beat and lifting of the heart, near to
(or indeed accompanied by) tears— as keen as that given by any form of … art....
Fantasy [is] a sudden glimpse of [this] underlying reality: The Gospels [tell
a true tale that] has entered History.... The
Birth of Christ is the [joyous turn] of Man’s history. The Resurrection is the [joyous turn] of … the Incarnation.... To reject [the
Gospel] leads … to sadness [and] wrath.... But in God’s kingdom the presence of the greatest does not depress the
small.... Story, fantasy, still go on, and
should go on. The [Gospel] has not
abrogated legends; it has hallowed them, especially the ‘happy ending.’”
Answered by a Wise Mother and Two Wise Fathers
ends Tolkien’s answer to the Why Fantasy?
question—and what a bold answer! He was
speaking to fellow academics at a secular university, not to fellow Christians
at a church service, but no matter: “The
righteous are as bold as a lion,” as Proverbs 28:1 says.

wise fathers wrote, “It was a strong Christian faith that inspired and informed [Tolkien’s] imagination.... Tolkien’s myth and fantasy can open the heart’s back door when the front door is locked.”[4]
2. The Catholic
to the Catholic Question, you might be wondering if there really is such a
thing as “a devout Catholic Christian.”
My answer is, “Yes, there is,” and I call C.S. Lewis to the witness
Answered by C.S. Lewis

explain the term Christian Lewis
turns to the Scriptures: In Acts 9:26
“the name Christians was first given
at Antioch … to those who accepted the teaching of the apostles.”[6] What essentially did the apostles teach? Here’s Lewis’s summary: “That Christ was killed for us, that His
death has washed out our sins, and that by dying [and rising from the dead] He
disabled death itself. That is the formula. That is Christianity. That is what has to be believed.”[7] Some Catholics believe that; some don’t. The same is true for people of other
denominations and affiliations.
Understanding True Christianity

1.A love for God’s Word, characterized by obedience to it,
and wholehearted belief in every part of it.
2.A love for God’s people by ministering to
them and being in regular fellowship with them.
3.A love for other people in telling them
about God (the kindest thing you can do for them).
4.A love for God Himself in seeking
communion with Him in prayer and corporate worship.
corporate worship and finding a good church, C.S. Lewis explains, “The question
should never be: ‘Do I like that kind of service [or music]?’ but ‘Are
these doctrines true: Is holiness
here? Does my conscience move me toward this?... When you have reached your own [decision], be kind to those who have chosen different [churches] and to those
who are still [deciding].”[10]
What Tolkien Believed and Why
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Mabel Tolkien |
go back to Tolkien. What did he believe
and why? John Ronald Reuel Tolkien had
been baptized as an infant “in the Church of England and his family was
religious as far as was required by society at the time, but his mother Mabel
had been on a search for something deeper
than an occasional Christianity.” [11] She became a young widow when little Ronald
Tolkien was only four, and Tolkien’s little brother only two. Mabel’s search led her to the Roman Catholic
Church when Ronald was eight.
a Catholic today “usually causes one little harm. In the steadfastly Protestant England of
1900, however, matters were very different.... Mabel faced immediate consequences.
Her own family and [her late husband’s] cut off all financial support to
her and condemned her actions in no uncertain terms. This disapproval and withdrawal of support
would not, however, drive her from her new faith.”[12] Imagine how this ill treatment from
Protestant relatives would affect you if you
were eight years old and this was your

Mabel Kirke in The Magician's Nephew |
Lewis was only nine when his mother died of cancer. This same deep, early loss is something that
would bind Tolkien and Lewis’s friendship later on. In honor of that, Lewis gave the name Mabel to the dying mother in his first
Narnia book, The Magician’s Nephew. The school-aged boy of that Mabel was able to do what Tolkien and Lewis would have given
anything to do: restore Mom to health by
wondrous means. Although Ronald Tolkien became
an orphan, he “was a devout boy who was to become a devout man, and his writing
was to be soaked with his beliefs.”[14]
3. Tolkien’s Writings
now talk about what Tolkien wrote. One
man saw another man reading The Lord of
the Rings and asked, “First time, or rereading it for the movie?” The first man writes, “I admitted that I was
intentionally not rereading it before seeing the movie, so the inevitable
changes for the big screen wouldn’t jar me too much. This led to a discussion of the differences
between movie adaptations and original novels, with the inevitable [combining]
of characters and slashing of secondary plots.... In having picked up that book, he and I, and countless others throughout
the world, had become part of something very special. Something that crosses gender lines,
religious differences, and economic strata.
That ignores language differences, physical boundaries, and generational
barriers. Amazing, isn’t it? A fantasy writer … can connect two people by
the simple act of writing a book.”[15] Does
that sound like any other Book you know? Is it any wonder God gave us His
Word in book form instead of as a CD, DVD, or an iPad? There is something very special about books!
Why Is The
Lord of the Rings So Special?
about The Lord of the Rings? Why did God have circumstances fall into
place as they did to bring about Tolkien’s writing it? Consider the influence the last part of it
alone, The Return of the King, has in
motivating people in our cynical, modern world to think about a real Returning
King—on horseback and with sword in hand!—coming into His own, and finally
supplanting an Evil Usurper who desires dominion over all life.

Faith’s Influence on the Pen
biographer states, “Tolkien’s devotion to Catholicism was probably the most
important thing in his life. He was
almost a fanatical Christian, a fact
that became clear to anyone soon after meeting him.”[17]
That’s this biographer’s non-Christian bias seeping through, something you get
used to and learn to deal with in any serious study of a Christian’s life. On what does the man justify using the
pejorative fanatical? He goes on to say that Tolkien
“habitually referred to Christ as ‘Our Lord’”—imagine the nerve of someone daring to affirm the truth, even among
those who don’t acknowledge it as such! What else was deemed fanatical? Simply that Tolkien “possessed an unshakable conviction in the power of
believing … he had been ‘given’ stories after praying, and that prayers had
cured members of his family when they were ill.”
less a man than C.S. Lewis thought that The
Lord of the Rings was heaven sent. As
soon as he finished reading Tolkien’s manuscript, he wrote to its author, “‘I have drained the rich cup and satisfied a
long thirst. Once it really gets
under weigh, the steady upward slope of grandeur and terror (not unrelieved by
green dells, without which it would indeed be intolerable) is almost unequalled
in the whole range of narrative art known to me. In two virtues I think it excels: [creativity and gravity].’ This was enough for Tolkien. If Jack Lewis could be so enthusiastic, then
the book was ready.”[18]
C.S. Lewis would later write a breathtaking book review on The Lord of the Rings, perhaps the best thing ever written to explain the book's importance and appeal. That
the book ever was ready is evidence of God’s hand: “Lewis was a quick worker and seemed to have … boundless energy and a whirlpool of ideas to draw upon.... Tolkien … worked in a very different way; he
was meticulous, a perfectionist who found it difficult to let anyone see his
work until it had been reworked and revised many times. [I can relate strongly to that, and so can
some of you. It’s a distinct personality
type and work style.] Fortunately, Tolkien…could retain a detailed
mythology in his head. [His] great
ability to visualize on an epic scale held the project together.”[19]
4. Tolkien and Warfare
academic colleague at Oxford wrote, “Tolkien not only poses questions about
evil, he also provides answers and solutions—one of the things which has made
him unpopular with the professionally gloomy or fashionably nihilist.”[20]
Traumatized Authors
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Tolkien's Unit: The 11th Lancashire Fusiliers |
Tolkien wrote about evil has such a ring of truth to it because of what he
experienced during the Battle of the Somme.
A year after graduating from Oxford, and two months after getting
married, Tolkien embarked for France as a Lieutenant (a common rank for college
graduates and students at the time, similar to how an M.D. degree today
confers the automatic rank of Captain to army doctors). Tolkien arrived just in time for the
bloodiest battle of World War I. On a single day
at the Somme River, more Englishmen lost their lives than in any other day in
history. Two of the dead were Tolkien’s
closest friends from school. One was
killed outright. The other died from
gangrene. Tolkien, however, survived the Somme, and fought his share of
battles. Several months later he came
down with a nearly fatal case of trench fever, and was shipped home.
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Lieutenant Tolkien, 1916 |
barbarity of trench warfare “informed his work with a new and most important
steeliness. The war traumatized Tolkien
just as it traumatized other key writers of the twentieth century, including
[C.S. Lewis,] George Orwell, and William Golding. What those men saw … stayed with them for the
rest of their lives.... And so,
convalescing in England with visions of hell and heroism still fresh in his
mind, Tolkien’s real work began.”[21]
The Silmarillion and The Hobbit
vs. LOTR
The Silmarillion is a loose
collection of writings that serve as a backdrop to The Hobbit and The Lord of
the Rings, lending them a sense of rich historical background and heritage
to Tolkien’s imaginary but realistic “Middle-earth.” The
Silmarillion “is derived most obviously from Tolkien’s experiences of
war.... Victory is always gained at a
grievous price. Success is … partly
tempered with failure, and a tinge of sadness, fragility, and impermanence
underlies everything about Middle-earth.”[22] That, indeed, is the way of life in a fallen
world. The Silmarillion is like the biblical book of Ecclesiastes on an
epic scale.
The Silmarillion, says one biographer, is a fine work,
“but it lacks certain qualities, chief among them a humanizing sense of humor
and a sense of developing personality among its characters. And The
Hobbit also is very fine, but it too lacks certain qualities, among them a
sense of grandeur [supplemented by the film trilogy, which borrows reverently from LOTR's appendices.] Once Tolkien … learned to combine these elements of his
imagination ... The Lord of the Rings … became possible.”[23] C.S. Lewis, however, would disagree with what that biographer said about the lack of grandeur, asserting instead in a brilliant book review of The Hobbit that "only years later, at a tenth or a twentieth reading, will [readers] begin to realize what deft scholarship and profound reflection have gone to make everything in it so ripe, so friendly, and in its own way so true."
Joy in Spite of the Trauma
was a joyful man despite the wartime and childhood traumas he endured. He had an “exuberant personality. [Tolkien] could be introverted, even insular
at times, but…was a natural communicator—whether … one-to-one … or with an
audience, like those he held spellbound during lectures.... He loved dressing up in costume and more than
once … took delight in terrifying his neighbors … by charging down the street
dressed as an axe-wielding Viking before cycling off to a fancy dress party in
photographer who took this picture wrote, “When I went to see [Tolkien the year
he died,] he was playfully using his walking stick as a fencing sword with me … and the expression on his face is one of glee. Like a child in a way, so happy.... Tolkien was totally charming and
accommodating.... What a remarkable man!”[25] I say Amen to that!
1. Most Influential
Spokesman from Unlikely Beginnings
Time magazine described
C.S. Lewis as “one of the most influential spokesmen for Christianity in the
English speaking world.” Here he is on
the cover of Time magazine.[26]
Lewis’s head is part of a Nazi emblem. On his shoulder is a medieval devil, an allusion to The Screwtape Letters, which Lewis subtitled Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil. That book gained Lewis international fame,
and has been described as his most important book in terms of conversion power.[27] Below Lewis’s Time cover photo is this compelling caption: “His
Heresy: Christianity.” How would you like that written under your photo for the world to see? Are you beginning to see why I describe Jack
and Ronald as two of the twentieth
century’s most important writers?
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Flora Lewis, Mother of Jack and Warnie |
Staples Lewis was born 1898 in Northern Ireland the second son of an attorney and
a university-educated woman with an honors degree in mathematics and logic. Although Mrs. Lewis was the daughter of a Church
of England minister, the Christianity her
boys were exposed to was nominal. She
was, however, a good sport when little Clive from the age of four insisted upon
being called “Jack” after the family dog, Jacksie. Jack and his slightly older brother, Warren, who was always “Warnie”
like my John is always “Johnny,” spent their early years at home, reading from
their parents’ extensive book collection and inventing imaginary tales.
The Loss of a Mother and Childhood Faith
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Albert Lewis with Young Jack |
world was upended when their mother died of cancer. Jack was nine. In a sense he and Warnie lost their father at
the same time, for Mr. Lewis collapsed in grief and never really
recovered. Jack Lewis now joined “a line
of authors from Wordsworth to Somerset Maugham who in childhood suffered the
wound of losing one or both parents.”[28] Like a ship loosed from its moorings, young
Jack began to drift toward atheism. When
his mother was dying of cancer, he prayed and asked God to heal her, but she died anyway. Jack “believed at that time that God either
wasn’t there or if he was there, he was [powerless or] cruel.... The
problem of pain and … evil came into his life at an early age.”[29]
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Young Warnie and Jack |
and Warnie were shuffled off to boarding schools. The first one was positively Dickensian: the headmaster was so cruel, he was later certified insane and the school
collapsed. For a time Jack attended a
local college, but was unhappy because of the importance placed there on
success in sports. (Jack was born with the defect of essentially lacking a thumb joint so he never could handle a ball or bat with proficiency.) His father decided to
send him to a private tutor in preparation for gaining a scholarship at
Oxford. Unknown to either of them at the
time was how well that decision would prepare Jack to be a Defender of the Faith, as he appears on the Time magazine cover. For
three years Jack lived with William Kirkpatrick and his wife in the
countryside. Kirkpatrick was a first-rate thinker who was very logical,
and made every word count. He taught Jack to do the same, providing a
highly demanding and rewarding education in logic, debate, history, languages,
and literature.
The Loss of a War Buddy
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Jack on the Left, Paddy on the Right |
proved to be an exemplary student, and he earned that scholarship to
Oxford. Because of World War I, however, he
wasn’t there for long. Although Jack was
under no obligation to serve in the English army since he was born in Ireland,
he felt it was his duty to serve, and—like Tolkien—was commissioned as a Lieutenant. When Lewis was in the army, he became close friends with a fellow Irish cadet named Paddy Moore. Moore’s eleven-year-old sister, Maureen,
watched as the two young men pledged to watch over each other’s families should
one of them be killed. Not long
afterward, Jack learned that Paddy was killed in action, and Jack himself was badly injured by friendly fire at the Battle of Arras in Belgium April 15, 1918. True to his word, nevertheless, Jack took care of Maureen
and her mother, who became like a mother to Jack. This new responsibility led Jack back to
Oxford to finish his degree. By 1925 he
was teaching at Oxford. In 1926 Lewis
had his first meeting with Tolkien, who also started teaching there. The stage was set for one of the greatest
friendships ever.
2. Friendship
are few times in history when “two talents of such great stature have been
united by friendship and professional camaraderie.... [Tolkien and Lewis] shared a passion for
myth, fantasy, and magical worlds. Eventually, a shared faith would … play a [major] role in the work they left behind for future generations”[30]—for
“Chronological Snobbery”
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Lucy Barfield |
of Lewis’s Oxford friends were Christians, including Tolkien and Owen
Barfield. (To Lucy Barfield, Owen’s
daughter, Lewis would dedicate the first Narnia book he wrote, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,
and he assigned the name Lucy to the
key Narnia heroine.) These Christians
were some of the most interesting people Lewis knew. He was beginning to see “that Christianity
was not so intellectually ‘in the dark’ as he had thought,” and “was forced to
question ideas he’d held onto for several years, including his own ‘chronological snobbery.’… Lewis
described this as the idea that whatever is the common thought of the age is
what is acceptable [or politically
correct, as we say today].... Lewis
began to challenge his own thinking. ‘If
something is now passé, why?... Why did
it go out of date and who argued against it and where? And was it a compelling argument?’… [Jack] began to realize he’d never really
looked back, intellectually, at the arguments for Christianity.”[31] That is
what happened to me, by God’s grace, when I was a senior at Hollywood
High. I felt stunned when I realized the only reason I discounted the
Bible verses my Christian classmates shared with me was I had been programmed to by my secular home and school life, and
the media I exposed myself to.
The Night Tolkien Led Lewis to Christ
conversion to Christianity “was not a
tidy affair. Most of the time he spends
talking about conversion in [his spiritual autobiography] Surprised by Joy is really to theism. He [came to believe] that God existed, but … didn’t believe … Christ was the Son of God until later.”[32]
One Saturday evening in 1931, Lewis invited Tolkien to dinner, and the two talked through most of the night. Immediately afterwards Lewis wrote to a friend, saying, “‘What Tolkien showed me was that if I admit the idea of sacrifice in a pagan story, I didn’t mind it at all.... The idea of the dying and reviving god … moved me, provided I met it anywhere except in the Gospels. Now the story of Christ is … a true myth, a myth working on us in the same way as the others, with this tremendous difference: that it really happened.’ A few days later, Lewis … and his brother took a picnic lunch to the … zoo … in Warnie’s motorcycle and sidecar. Lewis wrote, ‘When we set out, I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and when we reached the zoo, I did. It was like when a man, after a long sleep still lying motionless in bed, becomes aware that he is now awake.’… Lewis now entered the busiest period of his life. As a Christian, the shackles of ambition fell away.... He now had something very important to say, and was eager to get writing.”[33]
3. A Man with
Something to Say
gave C.S. Lewis a lot to say, and he said it well. One of his admirers writes, “Everything his pen touches turns to
gold.”[34] Partly because of his close association with
a wide variety of people during his experience as World War I infantryman, Lewis
learned to write in a way that can satisfy the most intellectually robust or
the simplest person on the face of the earth. Both ends of that spectrum are equally precious in God’s eyes. Lewis—and Tolkien also—understood that
especially well, so their writings are characterized by a deep and refreshing sense of humility. C.S. Lewis “addresses both the head and the
heart. He is an apologist for reason,
romanticism, and—what holds them together—Christianity.”[35]
entire collection of Lewis’s work—“all thirty-eight books—has never been out of print.... Why?
Because Lewis … [asked and gave biblical answers to] questions at the
core of every person’s existence:
- Is there a God?
- If so, is there only one God?
- [Why] does evil permeate our world?...
- How does belief in God help nurture happiness and fulfillment?
- How does faith heal and help someone overcome pain?”[36]
reason Lewis’s writings are so effective was the nature of the man who wrote
them: “He was humble and kind, and such
a simple man.... He was one of those
fortunate people who didn’t really need much to make him happy.”[37] Here is a picture of Lewis that reflects his
joyful and contented nature.[38]
The Inklings
27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” That proved true with Lewis and The Inklings,
one of the most famous literary groups in history. These Oxford friends made their living using
paper and ink, so the name suited them. They met weekly to read and discuss what they were writing. For example, “Lewis read the whole of The Problem of Pain [and] The Screwtape Letters to them. And…Tolkien read The Lord of the Rings.... If they
didn’t like something, they went at it.... They were a wonderful sounding board.’”[39]
The Problem of Pain
The Problem of Pain Lewis writes,
“The only purpose of [this] book is to solve the intellectual problem raised by
suffering; for the far higher task of
teaching fortitude and patience I was never fool enough to suppose myself
qualified, nor have I anything to offer my readers except my conviction that
when pain is to be borne, a little courage
helps more than much knowledge, a little human sympathy more than much courage, and the least tincture of the love of God more than all.”[40]
“‘If God were good, He would wish to make His creatures perfectly happy, and if God were almighty He would be able to do what He wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either the goodness, or power, or both.’ This is the problem of pain, in its simplest form. The possibility of answering it depends on showing that the terms ‘good’ and ‘almighty’, and perhaps also the term ‘happy’, are equivocal [ambiguous, open to more than one interpretation]....
“‘If God were good, He would wish to make His creatures perfectly happy, and if God were almighty He would be able to do what He wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either the goodness, or power, or both.’ This is the problem of pain, in its simplest form. The possibility of answering it depends on showing that the terms ‘good’ and ‘almighty’, and perhaps also the term ‘happy’, are equivocal [ambiguous, open to more than one interpretation]....
“Omnipotence means power to do all that is intrinsically possible, not to do the intrinsically impossible. You may attribute miracles to [God], but not nonsense.... The freedom of a creature must mean freedom to choose: and choice implies the existence of things to choose between. A creature with no environment would have no choices to make.... The permanent nature of wood which enables us to use it as a beam also enables us to use it for hitting our neighbour on the head.... We can, perhaps, conceive of a world in which God corrected … this abuse of free-will … so that a wooden beam became soft as grass when it was used as a weapon.... But such a world would be one in which wrong actions were impossible, and in which, therefore, freedom of the will would be void.”[41]
The Screwtape Letters
long after completing The Problem of Pain,
Lewis was attending a church service when he was suddenly struck by an
idea. Why not write from an entirely new
perspective, using satire as a tool for
instruction and insight? Why not
write a series of letters of advice from a senior devil named Screwtape to his
apprentice? Lewis’s brainstorm resulted
in one of his best books. Here are
samples of its diabolical advice:
- “There is nothing like suspense and anxiety for barricading a human’s mind against the Enemy [God, that is, from the devil’s perspective]. He wants men to be concerned with what they do; our business is to keep them thinking about what will happen to them.”[42]
- “One of our great allies … is the church itself.... I [don’t] mean the Church as we see her spread through all time and space and rooted in eternity, terrible as an army with banners.... Fortunately it is quite invisible to these humans. [Get your victim to focus on] the actual faces in the next pew. [If any of those people] sing out of tune,… have boots that squeak,… double chins, or odd clothes, the patient will quite easily believe that their religion must therefore be … ridiculous.”[43]
dedicated The Screwtape Letters “to
J.R.R. Tolkien.” Tolkien was upset with
him in a friendly way for doing so, saying, “Jack, you really have no business
writing books like that because you’re neither
ordained nor a theologian.” Tolkien
had a point because Lewis’s writings do have
some doctrinal errors in them so, as always, be discerning. Lewis replied, “I wish I didn’t have to
[write theological books], but until the theologians and ordained clergy begin to communicate with ordinary people in … a way … they can understand, I’m going to have to do this kind of thing.”[44] Tolkien decided that was a good answer. Jack’s desire was like that of the apostle
Paul, perhaps the best Defender of the Faith:
that “I declare the mystery of Christ.... That I … make it clear, which is how I ought to speak” (Colossians
4:3-4). That is my desire, and I hope
it is yours as well. (Click here for an illustrated letter-by-letter summary of The Screwtape Letters.)
Mere Christianity
During World War II, BBC radio contacted Lewis with a
request for help. In response, Lewis
went on the air with several 15-minute broadcasts on Christianity, the
first of which were called Right and
Wrong: A Clue to the Meaning of the Universe. This successful series of broadcasts was eventually
published as Mere Christianity.[45] It is one of the best books to give either a
new believer or a sincere seeker. My
copy is one of my most treasured possessions because of how it nurtured me in
my new faith during college. (Click here for an illustrated chapter-by-chapter summary of Mere Christianity.)
The Chronicles of Narnia
seven Chronicles of Narnia stories
are well loved by children and adults. In them we clearly see that "humility, courage, loyalty, honesty,
kindness, and unselfishness are virtues. Children who might … object to [this moral] code if they were taught it
in churches and schools accept it easily and naturally when they see it
practiced by … characters they love. They are learning morality in the best and perhaps only effective
way”: by example.[46] In their battles, the Narnia characters “use
medieval weapons and tactics. They
depend … ultimately on Aslan…a figure derived partly from Christ the Lion of
Judah and … [England’s King] Richard the Lion-heart.... As in medieval romance, the stories always
involve a quest, which takes them to an island, a castle, a subterranean
prison, and ultimately a stable.”[47] (Click here for C.S. Lewis's own 1-sentence summary of each Narnia story.)
4. Joy in Personal

A Grief Observed

The World’s Last
We must always be
ready for [Christ to return].... The schoolboy does not know which part of his … lesson he will be made to translate: that is why he must be prepared to translate any passage. The sentry does not know at what time an enemy will attack, or an
officer inspect, his post: that is why
he must keep awake all the time.... For what comes is Judgment: happy are those whom it finds labouring in
their vocations, whether they were merely going out to feed the pigs or laying
good plans to deliver humanity a hundred years hence from some great evil. The curtain has indeed now fallen. Those pigs will never in fact be fed, the great campaign … will never in
fact proceed to victory. No matter; you were at your post when the Inspection came.[51]
Teachers, you can present this lecture easily to your students by having them call it up on their own phones, laptops, or tablets. Have them take turns reading each paragraph, photo caption, and end note. Then take the next step by immersing them in Tolkien's and Lewis's writings. Here are links you can present to them to choose from to read and then either present to the class themselves or write about in not less than one full page, but not more than two or three pages:
5. An Enduring Friendship from Tolkien's Legendarium
6. Tolkienian Hope in Debate Form: A Christmas and Easter Gift from the Professors Tolkien
7. J.R.R. Tolkien on Foul Language—Orc Speech!
6. Tolkienian Hope in Debate Form: A Christmas and Easter Gift from the Professors Tolkien
7. J.R.R. Tolkien on Foul Language—Orc Speech!
12. Some People Say the Silliest Things About Jesus from Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
13. C.S. Lewis's Book Reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
13. C.S. Lewis's Book Reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
[1] This photo of an elderly Tolkien sitting in his study’s
chair and smiling is from Michael Coren’s biography J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man Who
Created The Lord of the Rings
(N.Y.: Scholastic Inc., 2001), p. 3;
photo credit, p. 136. Tolkien wrote in a famous letter dated 25 October 1958, "I am in fact a Hobbit (in all but size). I like gardens, trees and unmechanized farmlands; I smoke a pipe, and like good plain food.... I like, and even dare to wear in these dull days, ornamental waistcoats [vests]" (Letter 213 from The Letters of J.R.R.Tolkien, edited by Humphrey Carpenter with the assistance of Christopher Tolkien [Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2000], p. 288).
Tolkien’s “On Fairy-stories” was the Andrew Lang Lecture of 1938, given at the University of St. Andrews
in Scotland. It appears in Tolkien’s book Tree and Leaf [London: Unwin, 1964], pp. 11-70, which is hard to
find in print. The Lecture is available
. Most of the emphasis added in this
paper’s citation of “On Fairy-stories” is mine, along with minimal editing for
[3] Ani
Bogosian, “Embracing Magic in Literature” in Forum, the quarterly journal of the Armenian Evangelical Union of
North America (June 2002; Vol. XXVI, No. 2), pp. 16-17. The primary source of the Tolkien quote is Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, selected
and edited by Humphrey Carpenter (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981), p. 194.
Tolkien’s letter was to the manager of a Catholic bookshop.
[4] Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware, Finding God in the Lord of the Rings (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2003), p. x. Kurt Bruner is a vice president with Focus on
the Family, where he leads in the creation of books, films, and radio drama. Jim Ware is a Christian freelance writer.
[6] Ibid., p. 11 (preface).
[8] Hebrews 4:12.
[10] Mere
Christianity, p. 12 (preface).
[11] Coren, p. 16.
[12] Ibid., pp. 16-18.
[13] Ibid., p. 20.
[14] Ibid., p. 21-22.
[15] Michael
White, J.R.R. Tolkien (Indianapolis: Alpha Books, 2002), p. vi.
[16] The
image of The Lord of the Rings cover
with Christopher Lee as Saruman was downloaded from
[17] White,
pp. 215-16.
[18] Coren, pp. 81, 83.
[19] White, pp. 178-80.
[20] Tom Shippey, J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the
Century (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000), p. xxxi. Few people speak with more excellence about Tolkien than Shippey. Here, for example, is Shippey's very entertaining talk and transcript given in 2010 at Swarthmore College that he titled, "Tolkien Book to Jackson Script: The Medium and the Message."
[21] White, p. 9. Sometime during the closing years of World War I, Tolkien was to begin the story or lay that became the most important to him personally: that of the love between Beren, a nobleman, and Lúthien, the daughter of a great elven king and queen. His inspiration came "after Edith danced for him in the woods near one of their temporary wartime homes.... In his mind, the struggles of the couple he describes in the story mirrored the real-life battles he and Edith had fought and won" (White, pp. 99-100). Beren and Lúthien is the title of their son Christopher's next-to-last book, made available June of 2017 in his 92nd year of life.
[22] Ibid., p. 99. In 2005 John Garth wrote what many have hailed as the best treatment of Tolkien's WW1 experiences on his writing: Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth.
[24] White, pp. 116-17.
[26] September 8, 1947; Volume I, Number 10. A photo of the cover appears on page 85 of The Magic Never Ends: The Life and Work of C. S. Lewis by John
Ryan Duncan (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2001). The photo credits on page 189 state that this
cover picture came from TimePix, and the photographer was Hans Oswald Wild.
[27] Duncan, p. 85,
citing Colin Manlove, who was a professor at Edinburgh
University, and is now a writer and
Lewis scholar (photo biography on pp. 15-16 of Duncan).
[28] Ibid.
[29] Duncan, p. 25,
citing Wheaton College professor Lyle Dorsett, whose
photo biography is on p. 14.
[30] Duncan,
pp. 50-51.
[31] Duncan, pp.
54, 56, citing Dr. Christopher Mitchell, a professor at Wheaton College,
whose photo biography is on p. 15.
[33] A VHS entitled The Life of C.S. Lewis: Through
Joy and Beyond. It is hosted by
Pastor Walter Hooper (Lewis’s personal secretary and posthumous editor), and
features narration by Peter Ustinov as the voice of C.S. Lewis. It was produced by Lord & King Associates
in 1979, and a special re-release was distributed by The Bridgestone Group in
1991. The excerpt on Lewis’s conversion
to Christianity after talking with Tolkien and Dyson begins at 37:30 and runs
for 3 minutes.
[34] Peter Kreeft, The Shadowlands of C.S. Lewis: The Man Behind the Movie (San Francisco: Ignatius, 1994), pp. 213-14.
[35] Gene Edwards Veith, “The Key to C.S. Lewis”
in the January 2008 issue of Tabletalk magazine
from Ligonier Ministries and R.C. Sproul, which that month featured Lewis’s
life and work (p. 83,
[36] Duncan,
pp. 3-4.
[37] Ibid., p. 8.
[38] This picture of Lewis during an interview in
1946, smiling and obviously at ease, appears in Duncan, p. 100. The photo credits on p. 189 attribute it to
TimePix. The photographer was Hans
Oswald Wild, the same man who took the Time
cover photo.
[39] Duncan,
citing Hooper, pp. 48-49.
[41] Ibid, pp. 26, 28-29, 33.
[42] The
Screwtape Letters (N.Y.: Macmillan,
1961), Letter 6, pp. 28-29. Check this link for a superlative audio version of this work, which features
Andy Serkis as Screwtape: Screwtape
[43] Ibid, Letter 2, p. 12.
[44] Duncan,
pp. 84-85.
[45] For fascinating details, read C.S. Lewis in a Time of War: The World War
II Broadcasts That Riveted a Nation and Became the Classic Mere
Christianity (HarperSanFrancisco, 2002) by Justin Phillips, a radio journalist
for the BBC for over 20 years. He
was an elder at his local church, and a frequent speaker about Christianity and
the media.
[46] George Sayer, Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1994), p. 317.
[47] Lionel Adey, C.S. Lewis: Writer, Dreamer
& Mentor Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998—the centenary anniversary of
Lewis’s birth, for which this biography was issued, p. 184.
[48] The photos are on pp. 128-29, 144 of Duncan: a portrait of Joy as a young woman upon college graduation and a picture of Jack and Joy together, resting
against a brick wall and attending to a big dog. The photo credits on p. 189 attribute the
first to The Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College
and the second to the Dundee University Archives, Michael Peto Collection.
[49] The story of
Jack and Joy’s courtship is told fairly well in two movies called Shadowlands, the first starring Joss Ackland and Claire Bloom (1985) and the second Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger (1993). Joy’s son Douglas Gresham got along
especially well with Jack. Douglas is a strong Christian who—by God’s grace—supervises
many C.S. Lewis book and film projects. C.S. Lewis himself writes movingly of his
wife’s death in A Grief Observed
(N.Y.: Bantam Books), posthumously
subtitled, A Masterpiece of Rediscovered
Faith by the publisher. A marble plaque by Joy’s ashes reads:
Helen Joy
D. July 1960
Loved wife of C.S. Lewis
… Like cast off clothes [she] was left
In ashes yet with hope that she,
Re-born from holy poverty,
In Lenten lands, hereafter may
Resume them on her Easter Day.
[50] Frontice to The Grand Miracle: And Other Selected Essays on Theology and
Ethics from God in the Dock
(N.Y.: Ballantine Books, 1970).
[51] This essay was originally published in
1952. It was combined with other essays
and published in book form as C.S. Lewis, The
World’s Last Night and Other Essays (N.Y.: Harcourt, Inc., 1959, 1987), pp. 103-12.
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