Christian thinkers yield and appeal to logic
because it reflects God’s orderly nature. The
apostle Paul, making his defense in chains before a Roman governor and a Jewish
king, said, "I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak words of truth and reason. For the king, before whom I also speak freely, knows these things; for
I am convinced that none of these things escapes his attention, since this
thing was not done in a corner" (Acts 26:25-26).
Law of Identity: A is A.
Example: God is God, not something else.
Example: God is God, not something else.
Law of Non-Contradiction: A is not non-A.
Example: God cannot be both personal (having mind, emotions, and will) and impersonal (not personal, like a force).
Example: God cannot be both personal (having mind, emotions, and will) and impersonal (not personal, like a force).
Law of the Excluded Middle: Either A or
Example: God either exists or does not exist. There is no other alternative.
Example: God either exists or does not exist. There is no other alternative.

1. Argumentum ad hominem = argument directed at a person rather than the idea being discussed. For example, a person saying: "How can anyone take Ronald Reagan seriously as a president? He was an actor!" It is foolish to evaluate any leader, past or present, based only on a past occupation. Other factors need to be considered, such as character and achievements. Argumentum ad hominem is almost always against a person. Its logical opposite, Argumentum pro homine, speaks favorably of a person, but makes the same logical mistake. For example, "Ronald Reagan was such a fine actor, he must have been a wonderful president."
2. Argumentum ad ignorantiam
= argument to
ignorance or lack of proof so far. For example: "Lots of people have taken this drug
and it has not hurt them!" Are you sure about that? Just because you do not know does not mean nothing has happened. You need more proof.

4. Argumentum ad misericordiam
= argument or
appeal to pity only, ignoring other relevant facts. For example: "We must outlaw hunting
so animals will not suffer!" What about hunters and their families suffering
from hunger?
5. Argumentum ad nauseam
= argument to
the point of nausea by repetition. For example: People who keep repeating, "But
children need their milk!" every time they hear of even a grown child who
does not drink milk regularly, no matter what you say—whether lactose
intolerance or excessive calories or protein is an issue. Of course, it is not a fallacy to state the truth again and
again; what is wrong is to expect repetition alone to substitute for logical proof.

7. Argumentum ad populum
= argument or
appeal to popular people. For example: "The coolest people like this so
it must be good!" But what does cool
really mean, who defines it, and who says that group of people is the ultimate authority? Sometimes bad people become popular. That doesn't make them good.
8. Argumentum ad verecundiam
= argument or
appeal to unsuitable authority. For example: "Socialism must be the best form of
government because Albert Einstein said so!" Einstein was an authority on physics, not
politics, but pride can tempt any authority figure to pontificate beyond what
he or she should, and foolish hero worship can tempt the public to try to
demand that their authorities pontificate like that.
9. Broken Window fallacy = the fallacy that breaking windows, waging war, and other destructive acts actually benefit society by providing jobs for people repairing windows, making weapons, patching up war wounds and the like. But who wants to be the one having their window broken, their relatives slaughtered, or walking around with an artificial limb—if able to walk at all? Such a society would be parasitic and could not exist for long without producing something good worth producing. Going back to that broken window, the store owner who replaces it now is back to where he or she started before the vandalism. The money he could have spent on something to benefit the economy is now lost for that purpose.
9. Broken Window fallacy = the fallacy that breaking windows, waging war, and other destructive acts actually benefit society by providing jobs for people repairing windows, making weapons, patching up war wounds and the like. But who wants to be the one having their window broken, their relatives slaughtered, or walking around with an artificial limb—if able to walk at all? Such a society would be parasitic and could not exist for long without producing something good worth producing. Going back to that broken window, the store owner who replaces it now is back to where he or she started before the vandalism. The money he could have spent on something to benefit the economy is now lost for that purpose.
10. Circulus in demonstrando
(circular reasoning)/
Petitio principii (begging
the question). For example: "I have a right to say
what I want so you should not try to silence me." Here is the question begging to be proved
rather than merely asserted: Is
having a right to X the same as other people having an obligation to allow
you to have X? That is like saying X is true because X is true, but not saying why
it is true.
11. Complex question
= a loaded
question with a built-in assumption. For example: "Have you stopped
beating your cat?" is valid only if the thing presumed true (cat beating)
has been established.
12. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc
= "with this,
therefore that follows" (Cum hoc for short)/mistaking correlation for causation. For example: "President Clinton had great economic policies; just
look at how well the economy did when he was in office!" Perhaps that
was because of the policies of the president before him. More proof is
13. Dicto simpliciter
= "simple statement"/Sweeping generalization/Stereotyping. For example: "Teenagers are younger than adults and therefore do not have
the maturity to make important decisions."
Teenagers are younger
than adults by definition, but that does not mean they are incapable of making important decisions. The
biblical examples of Joseph, Daniel, and Mary the mother of Jesus show
that they can.

15. False Analogy = inappropriate word picture or illustration. For example: "What is the big deal about the early American pioneers killing natives to settle the West? After all, you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs." But making an omelet has nothing to do with killing and stealing!
16. False Dilemma = making an either/or statement when there are other options. For example: "Either you buy a large car and watch it guzzle away your paycheck, or you buy a small car and risk being killed in an accident." Really? Are big cars that use lots of gas and dangerous little cars the only cars available? Take the time to find out what your options truly are.
17. False Equivalence = making an argument or claim in which two opposing arguments are made to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not. The confusion comes from one shared characteristic between two or more items of comparison in the argument that is way off in the order of magnitude, oversimplified, or just that important additional factors have been ignored. An apple and orange are both fruits, but it would be wrong to assert they are just the same. An oil stain and an oil spill both involve oil, but one is much more serious than the other.
18. Naturalistic fallacy
= assuming
nature or whatever is natural is always morally good; trying to bridge the is-ought
gap. For example: "Because many species of animals have multiple mates, so should we
humans!" Just because, in a fallen world, some species have multiple mates does not mean
that humans ought to, especially since our Creator has clearly told us to
be faithful for life to one’s husband or wife.
19. Non sequitur
= "it does not
follow"/missing steps in the chain of reason. For example: "Thousands
of people have seen lights in the night sky that they could not identify.
The existence of life on other planets is fast becoming certainty!"
The second sentence needs more proof than what the first sentence states.
20. Post hoc ergo propter hoc = "after this, therefore that
follows" (Post hoc for short)/assuming A led to B because A happened first. For example: "The Patriots always win when I put on my lucky red shirt before they
play!" Twice in 10 years maybe, but do you really think the Patriots would always win if you always kept your red shirt on?
21. Red herring
= a diversion, introducing emotional
facts to distract from the issue at hand. For example: "It is claimed that welfare dependency leads to higher
crime rates, but how are poor people supposed to keep a roof over their
heads without our help?" It is
important to help poor people with the necessities of life, but that
does not refute the claim that welfare leads to crime. Not all red herrings are bad, however. Notice the red herring that rescued the apostle Paul from evil men who intended to kill him: "When
Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he
cried out before the Sanhedrin, 'Men and Brothers, I am a Pharisee, the
son of a Pharisee; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am
being judged!' When he said this, an argument arose between the Pharisees
and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided. For Sadducees say that
there is no resurrection—and no angel or spirit, but the Pharisees confess
both" (Acts 23:6-8). Paul, at that point, was taken away by the Romans into protective
22. Slanting = saying something that is true, but in a misleading way for emotional effect. For example: "The government keeps pouring money into the defense industry" or "The government naturally spends some money on the defense industry." The first sounds extravagant and wasteful; the second sounds minimal. Precise language and numbers are required to make an intelligent evaluation of the issue at hand.

25. Tu quoque = "you too"/excusing your flawed logic because you
accuse your opponent of using the same flaw. For example: "Christians
accuse us evolutionists of making unjustified assertions, but they assert
a lot of things, too!" An error is still an error, regardless of who makes it. Do not focus on your opponents; focus on truth. Tu quoque is also known as whataboutism, which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as "the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation," originating in the 1990s from the way counter-accusations often take the form of questions introduced by "What about—?"
Logic is an essential tool for the Christian to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15) in a humble,
respectful way (1 Peter 3:15).
PS. Teachers, it is very easy to make a quiz based on this material to test your students. Try multiple choice, fill in the blank, true/false, essay, or a combination.