The Pilgrim's Progress may be my second favorite book after the Holy Bible because of its accuracy and honesty in describing the Christian life in memorable story form. When making a pilgrimage through the book recently, I decided to highlight poignant quotes that follow the story's chronology:
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Christian with the Book by Him Who Cannot Lie |

hristian, at the beginning of his pilgrimage, fields this question from Pliable: "Do you think that the words of your Book are certainly true?" Christian answers, "Yes, for it was made by Him who cannot lie."
he first thing Interpreter shows to Christian in his wonderful house of life lessons is the pastor's portrait, who "had eyes lifted to heaven, the best of books in his hand, the Law of truth written upon his lips, the world ... behind his back. It stood as if it pleaded with men, and a crown of gold did hang over his head.... His work is to know and unfold dark things to sinners." Interpreter tells Christian, "I have showed you this picture first because the [pastor] ... is the only man whom the Lord of the place to where you are going has authorized to be your guide in all difficult places you may meet with in the way."
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Christian Loses His Burden at the Cross |

hristian journeyed for a long way with the increasingly heavy burden of sin on his back. He knew many biblical truths, but until this point in his pilgrimage he was missing the key truth. Only when Christian on the Narrow Way "came up to the Cross [was] his burden loosed from off his shoulders. [It] fell from off his back and began to tumble, and so continued to do, till it came to the mouth of the Sepulcher, where it fell in, and I saw it no more. Then was Christian glad and felt light as a feather. He said with a merry heart, 'Jesus has given me rest by His sorrow, and life by His death.'" He receives spiritual gifts and assurances at this turning point in his journey, reflecting his full trust in the work of Christ on the cross alone to procure his salvation in life and death.
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Christian Receives the Key of Promise |
aithful to Talkative: "When Christ said, 'Do you know all these things?' and the disciples had answered, 'Yes'; He added, 'Blessed are you if you do them.' He did not lay the blessing in the knowing of them but in the doing of them."
hen Christian and Hopeful strayed from the straight Way, which was difficult in some parts, onto soft, easy By-path Meadow, they later heard, "'Let your heart be towards the highway, even the way that you went; turn again.' But by this time the waters were greatly risen so the way of going back was very dangerous. (Then I thought that it is easier going out of the way when we are in than going in when we are out.)"

orced to travel where they dare not fall asleep, Christian and Hopeful kept each other awake with good conversation about how Hopeful began to be concerned about the state of his soul. He told Christian, "For a long time I enjoyed those things that .. .I believe now, would have (had I continued in them) destroyed me ... all the treasures and riches of the world. I also delighted in debauchery, partying, drinking, swearing, lying, immorality, Sabbath-breaking, and every other thing that tends to destroy the soul. But by hearing and considering divine things, which I learned about you, as well as from beloved Faithful, who was put to death at Vanity Fair for his faith and goodness, I discovered at last that 'the end of those things is death' (Romans 6:21).... I tried not to sin, and I avoided sinful company ... but then my trouble came tumbling upon me again, despite all my changes." Hopeful thought he was basically a good person, but his opinion about himself began to change when he started taking seriously such sayings as these: "All our good deeds are as filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6), "By the works of the Law no one shall be justified" (Galatians 2:16), and "When you have done all things, say 'We are unprofitable'" (Luke 17:10). "I thought to myself," said Hopeful, "If all my good deeds are like filthy rags in God's sight, if no one can be justified by obeying the Law, and if, when we have done all we can, we are still unworthy, then it is foolish to think we can get to heaven by our good works. Furthermore I thought that if a man runs up a bill of a hundred pounds with a shopkeeper and after that he pays for everything he buys but still owes his old bill, the shopkeeper can still sue him and send him to prison until he pays the debt.... I have by my sins run up a great charge in God's Book, and my reforming now will not pay off that debt.... How shall I be freed from the damnation I have brought upon myself by my former transgressions?" Another thing that weighed upon his mind was this: "If I look carefully at the best of what I do now, I still see sin, new sin, mixing itself with the best of what I do so I am forced to conclude that, even if my former life had been faultless, I have now committed sin enough in one action to send me to hell." The apostle Paul wrote about the same experience: "I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong" (Romans 7:21). The breakthrough for Hopeful (and countless others) came when realized that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15). "He is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes" (Romans 10:4). "He died for our sins and rose again for our justification" (Romans 4:25). "He is the mediator between God and us" (1 Timothy 2:5). "I gathered from all these Scriptures," said Hopeful, "that I must look for righteousness in His person and for satisfaction for my sins through His blood.... Now my heart was filled with joy, my eyes filled with tears, and my heart brimming over with love for the name, people, and ways of Jesus Christ."
opeful and Christian meet a young man named Ignorance, who assumes he will go to heaven someday because he is pleased with his own views. He is not at all open to hearing otherwise. That leads to a discussion of what causes people to be like that or to profess faith in Christ, but then backslide or fall away. Hopeful observes that though the consciences of such people are awakened, "their minds are not changed; therefore, when the guilt passes, they cease to be religious.... Thus they are eager for heaven only because they fear the torments of hell, but as soon as their sense of hell and their fears of damnation chill and cool, so does their desire for heaven and salvation ... and they return to their old course again. Another reason is that they are slaves to certain fears that overpower them; particularly the fear of men, for 'the fear of men brings a snare' (Proverbs 29:25).... The stigma that surrounds religion is also a stumbling block to them.... Because they shun even the thoughts of guilt and fear, when once they are rid of their concerns about ... the wrath of God, they gladly harden their hearts and choose ways that will harden them more and more." Christian then discusses how "the hardening of heart takes place: 1. As much as they can, they turn their thoughts away from any reminder of God, death, and judgment to come. 2. Then they gradually cease their private duties, such as prayer, restraining their lusts, and being vigilant and repentant regarding sin. 3. Then they shun the company of lively and sincere Christians. 4. After that they grow indifferent to public duties such as hearing and reading the Word, gathering together for worship, and the like. 5. Then they begin to find fault with some of the godly, and the devilish purpose behind this is to find some alleged reason for turning away from faith in Christ. 6. Then they begin to associate with worldly and immoral people. 7. Then they indulge in worldly and lewd conversations, and are happy if they can find any who are considered honest doing the same so they may use their example as an excuse to indulge more boldly. 8. After this they begin to play with little sins openly. 9. And then, being hardened, they show themselves as they really are. Launched into a gulf of misery, they are lost forever in their own deception unless a miracle of grace prevents it."

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A Glimpse of the Celestial City See also: * The Pilgrim's Progress, Part 2 with Christiana—Illustrated Quotes * For an overview, see 10 Things You Should Know About Pilgrim's Progress *The beautifully animated film The Pilgrim's Progress | Official Trailer (2019) * "The Progressive Pilgrim," an article summarizing Nathaniel Hawthorn's clever satire of weak attempts to modernize The Pilgrim's Progress |
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